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Tay Chee Toh

Tay Chee Toh is a Singaporean artist from the second generation. His paintings, sculptures, and prints have been linked to figurative and abstract art, and he draws on a wide range of influences, including batik painting, industrial objects, and the bizarre. Tay was awarded the Cultural Medallion in 1985. In 1982 and 1985, he placed second and first in the United Overseas Bank (UOB) Painting of the Year competitions, respectively.
Tay’s artistic practice has followed a number of different directions in terms of mediums and modes of visual expression. He developed trends in figuration and abstraction as one of the founding members of the Modern Art Society. While his art reflects formal sensibilities, it also contains surreal emotions that have their origins in fantasy.

Tay’s first solo exhibition was held at the Chinese Chamber of Commerce in Kuching, Sarawak, Malaysia, in 1966. He researched the Dayaks, which led to new subject and artistic initiatives portraying Dayak ladies with elongated proportions and arms. 10 In 1967, he held his second solo exhibition at the British Council in Singapore, where he presented these new aesthetic forms. Tay began working with Alpha Gallery in the 1970s, and in 1972 and 1973, he had solo and group exhibits there. He also took part in a number of group shows at Alpha Gallery, including the gallery’s debut exhibition in 1971.


郑志卓 (Tay Chee Toh) 是新加坡第二代艺术家。 他的绘画、雕塑和版画与具象和抽象艺术联系在一起,他受到了广泛的影响,包括蜡染画、工业物品和奇异艺术。 1985年,郑被授予文化奖章。1982年和1985年,他分别在大华银行(UOB)年度绘画比赛中获得第二名和第一名。


泰的艺术实践在视觉表达的媒介和模式方面遵循了许多不同的方向。 作为现代艺术协会的创始成员之一,他发展了具象和抽象的趋势。 虽然他的艺术反映了形式情感,但也包含源自幻想的超现实情感。


郑氏的首次个展于1966年在马来西亚沙捞越州古晋中华总商会举办。他对达雅克人进行了研究,从而产生了新的主题和艺术创作,描绘了身材修长、手臂细长的达雅克女士。 10 1967年,他在新加坡英国文化协会举办了第二次个展,展示了这些新的美学形式。 泰于 20 世纪 70 年代开始与阿尔法画廊合作,并于 1972 年和 1973 年在那里举办了个展和群展。 他还参加了阿尔法画廊的许多群展,包括该画廊 1971 年的首次展览。


Asia Art Collective is an art advisory and consultancy specialised in Singaporean and Asian modern and contemporary art. Professional art services include providing clients with art advice on artwork purchase and sale, artwork valuation and assessment, art acquisition and collection planning, art sale and brokerage, as well as art commissioning and artwork sourcing. Asia Art Collective seeks to promote a culture of art appreciation and art acquisition and collection for Singapore art, and modern and contemporary Asian art through its diverse and rotating art exhibitions and art appreciation programmes, courses and talks. Enquire with Asia Art Collective for advice and support on your art-collecting journey.

Contact Curator: Iola Liu (92398226)


亚洲艺汇有限公司(Asia Art Collective Pte Ltd )是新加坡专业的艺术品咨询顾问公司,公司的服务是为艺术收藏提供指导,制定策划购买艺术品方向,帮助藏家评估、分析艺术品市场价位、未来的市场走势。在选择艺术品方面,即要帮助藏家找到自己酷爱心怡的作品,同时也把艺术品列为藏家资产扩充的规划中,并且负责跟踪艺术品的买与卖。同时也提供新加坡艺术品量身定制服务

策展人:Iola Liu (92398226)

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